
Qualified Live Selling Talent Assessment

Welcome to the Qualifying Questionnaire for inclusion to the Live Selling School Talent Roster. There is no cost to be on this Roster but pre-qualification is MANDATORY. The purpose of this form is to establish if you are suitable to be included on the Live Selling Talent Roster and for referral from Live Selling School and Dawn Chubai to Brands looking for Live Selling Talent* to partner with. The Roster will NOT be posted publicly and Live Selling Talent will be presented to the Brand or Vendor by Live Selling School via email. 

At the end of this questionnaire you will be asked for your name and email address. Please click "subscribe" afterwards so that we may have permission to reach out to you with the results and to receive Live Selling Talent Roster updates and postings.

*Live Selling Talent refers to a person or persons with the skills and/or experience to Host a Live, Video or social commerce event (Livestream Shopping...Live Selling).

Click the button below to start.


Question 1 of 5

What Category are you an Expert or Key Opinion Leader in?




Beauty (Skincare/ Makeup)


Health and Wellness






Food and Drink


Travel and Tourism


Other (not listed)

Question 2 of 5

Have you Hosted or Co-Hosted a Livestream event before?


Yes, I did one independently for products I enjoy or that I have affiliate links for


Yes, I was hired by a Brand and was PAID a Host or Influencer FEE


I have never hosted a livestream

Question 3 of 5

Your physical location doesn't matter as most livestreams are remote however there may be additional opportunities if you speak additional languages. As this is a Directory with Global referral requests, please share all  languages in which you are fluent and able to present in.

Question 4 of 5

Please share any additional details of your experience Hosting Livestream Events, the kinds of products you featured and Brands (if applicable). If your niche wasn't listed or you have more than one area of influencer/ expertise we would love to hear more. If you have nothing to add, please type NA

Question 5 of 5

Please share your relevant Social Media Handles (your follower count isn't as relevant as you may think as Live Selling Talent, but we do need to see who you are and if approved, be able to include on the Roster) You need to provide your handle to at least one platform to continue.

Confirm and Submit